Today, AGWSR 11th-Grade students attended UNI's annual college and career fair.
about 4 hours ago, Michael Wabel
Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming Court!!
👑King Candidates: Diego Lazo, Collin Willems, Easton Kerns, Carter Roder and Grant Solberg
👑Queen Candidates: Macy Boomgarden, Tori Metzgar, Trevyn Smith, Chloe Bittner and Hannah Bakker
Homecoming week is September 23-28!
about 7 hours ago, Christy Koop
Join us for our Cougar Connection meeting tonight!
about 14 hours ago, Molly Forgy
Reminder: Cougar Connection meeting tomorrow!
1 day ago, Molly Forgy
A huge thanks to Greenbelt Bank and Trust for the soccer nets for recess and flexible seating chairs for 2nd grade.
1 day ago, Carmen Oelmann
Good Afternoon,
Wanted to send an update on a couple of schedule changes for upcoming events:
1) September 16 JV football at home is now @ Denver. 6 PM Start
2) October 1 JJV/JV/V volleyball vs South Hardin is now September 26
1 day ago, Dave Showalter
Congratulations to the winners of the AGWSR Middle School Attendance Video Contest! Cougar Time advisor group submitted entries, who were voted on by a few judges for which video is best cover the topic of why attendance matters.
First place goes to Mrs. Nederhoff’s advisor group (pictured), earning a pizza party for their Cougar Time and the first place traveling trophy.
Mrs. Belken’s group took second place, winning donuts and the second place traveling trophy.
Third place was awarded to Mrs. Rieken’s group, who will enjoy an extra recess and the third place traveling trophy.
We are proud of all the students Great collaboration and showcasing their creativity in highlighting why attendance matters. Thank you for your hard work, and stay tuned for the top videos, which will be shared out over the next few days.
4 days ago, Keith Reuter
4 days ago, Dave Showalter
5 days ago, Dave Showalter
7 days ago, Katelin Pagel
Fourth graders challenged themselves to create the longest chain!!
8 days ago, Sam Price
Great first week of Cougar Speed and Strength! Been so much fun to watch the students put the work in, in the weight room and in the gym!
8 days ago, Ryley Schipper
11 days ago, Dave Showalter
Exciting Start for AGWSR Middle School Computer Science (CS) Students!
This year, our CS students kicked things off by exploring what we need to experience in our surroundings to succeed in various areas of life—at home, in school, in our class, at work, and as individuals. We uncovered key themes like collaboration, networking, teamwork, and building trust—essential ingredients for the problem-solving skills needed in computer science. We then asked ourselves: if these are the attributes we need to succeed, shouldn’t we also strive to embody these qualities for our classmates, friends, teachers, and families? The discussions were incredibly positive, motivating, and filled with amazing ideas! We’re excited for what’s ahead!#CScanbefun #CougBlue
11 days ago, Beth Janssen
➕🟡🔴We're adding integers in 7th grade! The students LOVE the new desks which have plenty of space and are whiteboards! 🔴🟡➕
12 days ago, Laura Belken
Cougar Volleyball Home Opener
12 days ago, Dave Showalter
12 days ago, Dave Showalter
8/29 Home HS Volleyball:
Hardin Street between 4th and 5th Avenue will still be closed to vehicles for tonight's games. We will still use the activity entrance on the west side of the school, you may walk on the newly paved road to get to the doors, just no vehicles.
12 days ago, Dave Showalter
2nd graders practicing words on their new white board tables and learning a new Illustrative Math game!
13 days ago, Carmen Oelmann
K-5 Parents and Guardians - Please join us for our first Cougar Connection meeting of the year! We will meet on September 10th at 6:30pm in the media center. We hope to see you there!
14 days ago, Molly Forgy