Superior facilities
Preschool/child care centers, New Elementary Facility K-5 Ackley, Remodeled Wellsburg Center housing grades K-2 and 6-8.
Over 80% district approval for the $3.6 million PPEL levy
High test scores for state and national testing
Excellent vocation programs that include construction, auto mechanics, welding, C.A.D,
Excellent academic and fine art programs
Programs that articulate with area community colleges
Technology programs: We are a K-12 1:1 District - K-3 iPads, 4-5 Chromebooks, 6-8 iPads, 9-12 MacBook Airs
Innovative programs meeting the educational needs of all students
Dual credit course offerings through Iowa Valley
At-Risk Program
Student Success Teams
In house Alternative High School
Talented and Gifted programs
Advisor/Advisee program
Special Education
Parent communications
English Language Learner supports
Title I Reading and Math programs
Counseling Services
Substance abuse programs
Character education
A full range of middle school and high school activities that enjoy statewide recognition